Multiplication as We Grow Deeper in Jesus
By Boc Laurico
At the start of the year, we prayed and fasted to ask God for clear direction for our church – Saskatoon New Life Community Fellowship.God led us to the book of Acts. As we studied the book of Acts for several weeks, we are amazed at how the early church had grown in numbers and the impact they had not only to the Jewish community but to the Gentiles as well. Our leaders made observations and concluded that small groups were foundational to the early church. Furthermore, we discovered principles and mindsets which our small group ministries can grow from, as basis for the whys of what we are doing. These principles and mindsets were outlined in Acts 2, and we praised God that we are seeing these in our church today.
Our small group ministry was not all fun and fellowship though, as some of our members experienced challenges and never escaped from problems in the areas of health, work, family, and relationships over the past year. These situations gave our small group members opportunities to minister to their brothers and sisters who were hurting or grieving by providing comfort, prayers, and financial support. Fundraising campaigns for the needed funds ranged from bake sales and steak nights, to sales of clothing and bags. Members of the small group made sacrifices to help those in need just as the early church.
The small groups are now seeing a second generation of groups outside of Saskatoon, in Outlook, Rosetown, Rosthern, Hague, Disnmore, and Cudworth. These groups are now being transitioned to become house churches.
From time to time we get to see people being saved and brought to God’s kingdom More than a hundred people were exposed to the gospel through special occasions like weddings, children dedications, and birthdays that turned out to be “bridge events” for evangelism.
The Lord has favored us by adding people to the church. Seeing new faces Sunday after Sunday in our church is truly a testament of how God is at work. He has been answering our prayers and we are confident He will perform in our midst what He had done in the early church.
Growing deeper in Jesus indeed leads to multiplication.